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Sylvia Bethlenfalvy Sales Representative
Johnston & Daniel Brokerage Limited
- (416) 617-7590
- (416) 489-2121
- (416) 489-6297
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Sylvia Bethlenfalvy Sales Representative
Johnston & Daniel Brokerage Limited
- (416) 617-7590
- (416) 489-2121
- (416) 489-6297

Luxury Real Estate Services
J&D Presidents' Award 2022
J&D Presidents' Award 2021
J&D Diamond Award 2020
J&D Award of Excellence 2019 & 2018
In the early days of March/April 2020 during Covid, I'm very proud to announce that my colleague & friend Leeanne and I spear headed a campaign to rally $20,000 in support for the RLP Arrise Shelter (Toronto).
We would like to thank all our friends at J&D and their clients who took action and donated to this very special cause. They helped to provide shelter for women & children at the RLP Arise Shelter Foundation in Toronto during these very difficult times. Their generosity, kindness and willingness to give is the legacy spirit that lives on in the J&D culture for which I am very proud to be a part of. It really touched my heart. Thank you.
With over 20 years of experience, I have staged homes, sold homes, bought homes, helped others buy homes and have experience in renovation and construction. I have invested in three of my own rental properties that produce an income in Toronto's Trinity Belllwoods area.
I hope to help you reach your goals by using my negotiating skills, understanding your needs and by optimizing the value of your home. Whether you are buying or selling, I want to help you get the best price possible for you. I have an undergrad from McGill & a post grad from The London School of Economics & over 20 years experience.
I focus on down town Toronto Real Estate and have a network that extends across Canada, the US and Europe.

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